Last Update May 13th


Next weeks conferences are going to be a little different from the past. Your child needs to come with you so they can tell you what they are doing and learning. Click on the link to open the word document for more information. 

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Every Wednesday we have a 15 minute Health Talk. We have used this website to learn about many different things. Students have been asking if I could put a link on here, so here it is.

 CAMP READING ROCKS it Tuesday, April 19. Please bring camping stuff. Label all things with your child's name. Bring flashlights for reading in the dark. Our class is responsible for bringing marshmallows for a snack. We are going to mix marshmallows, m&ms, and teddy grams for a s'more treat. Please consider bringing in a bag of marshmallows. The link below will give you more info. Check it out. We're going to have a blast! 

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 Check out the live eagle game. There are 3 baby eagles being filmed 24/7. We have watched this a lot in class. Here's an opportunity for you to view it at home. It's hard to get away from. It's very fascinating!

 A Scholastic Book Order is going home Friday. Please check it out. I will be sending in the order April 6th. Any purchaces made through the book order helps build the classroom library so your child has new, exciting books to read. If you order on-line, this is classroom code is H3CRW. All orders made online earn more points(books) for the class. If orders are made not using the internet, please pay with CHECK if it's available to you. You can pay with cash, it's easier and quicker if checks are written out. Here is a link to check out how our class earns new books for the room.


 You are a very important part of your child’s success in their education. Thank you for being so involved with your child’s education. I would like to provide an opportunity for all parents to be even more involved with Birchwood School and your child’s education. Please check out this Document from the CPTO. Contact me or the person listed on the document for more info.

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Classroom Needs

1. CD-R and CD-RWs for the end of the year. I want to make a CD with all the photos we have taken in our class throughout the year and give a copy to each student.


2. I was thinking of having the kids grow a plant. If you have any ideas of plants that are easy to grow and transplant let me know. It would be a fun learning experience for this time of year.


These are some things that the students will benefit from. Don't feel obligated to bring anything in. These things are what students have been asking for, but I don't have any and the school supplies have run out or have never had it. Thanks for any donations. You're all very thoughtful.


In our class we refer to ourselves as a team. Each person in our class is our teamate. I'm sharing this with you so there isn't any confusion when reading different things on the website.


It's important for all of our teamates to be here everyday and on time so the team can accomplish their individual tasks. Each day everone has a job that helps our team work properly throughout our day. With our busy schedule it's crucial that everyone does their job.


Responsibility, respect, cooperation, kindness, fairness, citizenship, thankfulness, trustwortherness, and caring are all things we are trying to get better at. Our team has a motto that helps everyone remember these character traits. It is: "Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better, and your better is BEST!"

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