The LINK below is a parent newsletter that introduces the unit and concepts we are covering. Thank you for checking it out. Anything you do at home related to this or other topics will help your child's math ability and attitude now and in the future. 

letter home unit 15.JPG letter home unit 15.JPG
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 We are really trying to improve everyones automatic recognition of MATH FACTS. Our team visits the library about once a week to practice our MATH FACTS on MATH FACTS IN A FLASH. We keep records of each level each student has passed and mastered. I encourage you and your child to visit to practice MATH FACTS!


For Math related resources you might want to check these out:



 Act like math isn't fun for once! Just kidding, I like your enthusiasm.


 Finding the mass of various objects and ordering them from least to greatest. Way to go kids!

Day 100 was a fun day. We wrote 100 different math facts that we know. After thinking about it, 100 facts isn't many. The kids are doing a great job. 

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