We had a great math lesson when our 14th teacher for the day. She warmed up the class by playing around the world. She worked the students hard with a bunch of fractions. She broke the class up into groups and had them doing various things in groups. It was a good day. Great job #11.


Our 13th teacher for a day was #9. She did a great job working on how to read an analog clock, counting coins, and making geometic shapes on the geoboards. She finished with riddles that maked the students each pay attention and follow wirtten and verbal instructions.  She had a student read the directions out loud (this was great way to keep kids involved). Wonderful work #9!  





Our 12th teacher for a day drilled math facts. The kids are getting better at automatically knowing answers to addition problems. He also did a lot of work with telling time.  Great job #8 bring the teacher for a day. 




Our 11th teacher of the day had a great idea. She wanted to use the smartboard. The kids were very respectful and good for her while she gave her lesson. She ended her math class with a fraction game with the team. Awesome work #7







The 10th Teacher for a Day was #6. He had a special day. He took the kids to Mr. Olin's class to watch some science project presentations. Then we went to the High School to see some science experiments with animals. When we returned we  




The 9th Teacher of the Day was student number 3. He dove right into the money and time. He warmed the kids up with telling time flash cards and then passed out a bunch of money for the kids to group and count. Good job today #3!


The 8th Teach for a Day really focused on having the students listen and respect him and others. He used "listening postitions" and he changed the zone from green to red. His classroom management skills were pretty good. His activities were: Around the World, wrap ups for addition and subtraction, and Math Dictionary entries. Great job #2! 



The 7th Teach for a Day reminded me of a real teacher! She did a great job meeting with each student and making sure they understood the concepts she was trying to teach. She had a warm-up with flash cards, planned a worksheet that helped the students understand counting money, and then had the kids add entries into their Math Dictionaries. Awesome job #1!!! 



The 6th Teacher for a Day really worked the minds of the students. She challenged them with some higher level subtraction and multiplication problems. She had the class warm up using flash cards and continued the lesson with individual whiteboards. Great job #17!



Our 5th Teacher for a Day presented her lessons on Feb. 18th.  She did a great job warming up everyone's mind by play Around the World. She transitioned  into a math fact bingo game and ended her math class with four entries to the Math Dictionary. Wonderful work #16!




This was our very first Teacher of the Day. It went so well we continued. This student loved the opportunity to teach the class some math facts, multiplication, and some problems on the board. Awesome job #12!

 Our second Teacher for the Day took the initiative to teach everyone how to use the Equal Arm Balance and how to find the mass of different objects. He did a great job doing this. After the balance lesson he transitioned into teaching the kids how to do basic multiplication using visuals and the board. Job WELL DONE #13!!! 


Jan 14th our 3rd Teacher of the Day took the front of the room. He revisited many topics that were covered in the past. He had the students practice telling time, counting money, played Around the World with Flash Cards, and much more. He had a great day planned and the class did a good job. Sweet work #14!!! 




February 11th was our 4th Teacher for a Day. She has many activities planned to engage the students. She had the team play Around the World, did some math facts on the board, and introduced MATH BINGO. She did a great job. GOOD JOB # 15!

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