What your children have to say...mostly unedited


On March 29th I asked the kids what a whole number was. I got various replies. "A whole number can be divided." Another student said, "a whole number is number with zeros in it." The one that makes the most sence, "A whole number is a number that has a hole in it like 6, 8, 0, etc."


The lunch room was decorated for Pizza with the Principal. Pizza with the Principal is where two students eat lunch with Mr. Stanley because they showed and displayed positive character for the month. When one of the students saw the set up down there, she said, "it's eat principal with the pizza day!"


We were starting our day off with a quick game of Around the World when two students were up against one another. I flashed the math fact 1+7. Student a shouted out, "ele...tw...se....six.... foorrr....ei....niii......EIGHT!" She knew the answer, it was just difficult to get out. She started laughing historically after she answered.

One very cold day outside during recess someone said, "Mr. Stoykovich, my freaks are cheesing"


A student approched me and said, " Mr. Stoykovich, will you remember me a year from now?"

I replied, "yes!"

"Will you remember me in two years from now?"

Again a resounding "yes!"

"How about in five years from now, will your rememeber me?"

I explained, "I will rememeber your for as long as I live, you were my very first class."

"Mr. Stoykovich, how about in ten years?"

Again, "I will never forget you!"

"Knock, knock"

I replied, "who's there?"

The very sweet and sad voices said, "Mr. Stoykovich, you just told me you would never forget me!"

I thought I really made an impression on this student because she was curious about me remembering her...little did I know, it was a JOKE!


We were doing MATH FACTS IN A FLASH in the library when a student held up their hand and said, "I need another hand!"

"Why is that?"

"Because the problem is 7+5." The student was holding up all ten fingers at this point.


While doing a mini lesson on telling time, I drew a large clock on the whiteboard that read 2:30. I asked the kids to write on a piece of paper what time it would be in 15 minutes. Low and behold an innocent student wrote GYM TIME. In reality, it was actually 1:00 "for real" and GYM is at 1:15. INTELLIGENT GIRL, she was exactly right.

These are a sampling of the reasons why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my job.

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